Japanese Series
Belonging to the ISO A series, Kiku is a unique paper size that stands out in its dimensions and usage. The ISO A series, recognized globally for its standardization, includes a range of sizes from A0 to A10. However, Kiku holds a distinctive place within this series due to its specific measurements.
With dimensions of 227 x 306 mm, Kiku is slightly larger than the conventional A4 size. This additional space offers users an expanded canvas for their creative or professional endeavors. Whether it's drafting architectural designs or creating detailed illustrations, Kiku provides ample room for expression.
Kiku paper dimensions
Format | in | mm | cm | pt |
2A0 | 46.81 x 66.22 | 1189 x 1682 | 119 x 168 | 3370 x 4768 |
A12 | 0.51 x 0.71 | 13 x 18 | 1 x 2 | 37 x 51 |
4A0 | 66.22 x 93.62 | 1682 x 2378 | 168 x 238 | 4768 x 6741 |
A11 | 0.71 x 1.02 | 18 x 26 | 2 x 3 | 51 x 74 |
A10 | 1.02 x 1.46 | 26 x 37 | 3 x 4 | 74 x 105 |
A3+ | 12.95 x 19.02 | 329 x 483 | 33 x 48 | 933 x 1369 |
A1+ | 23.98 x 35.98 | 609 x 914 | 61 x 91 | 1726 x 2591 |
A0+ | 35.98 x 50.87 | 914 x 1292 | 91 x 129 | 2591 x 3662 |
A6 | 4.13 x 5.83 | 105 x 148 | 11 x 15 | 298 x 420 |
A5 | 5.83 x 8.27 | 148 x 210 | 15 x 21 | 420 x 595 |
A4 | 8.27 x 11.69 | 210 x 297 | 21 x 30 | 595 x 842 |
A3 | 11.69 x 16.54 | 297 x 420 | 30 x 42 | 842 x 1191 |
A9 | 1.46 x 2.05 | 37 x 52 | 4 x 5 | 105 x 147 |
A2 | 16.54 x 23.39 | 420 x 594 | 42 x 59 | 1191 x 1684 |
A8 | 2.05 x 2.91 | 52 x 74 | 5 x 7 | 147 x 210 |
A1 | 23.39 x 33.11 | 594 x 841 | 59 x 84 | 1684 x 2384 |
A7 | 2.91 x 4.13 | 74 x 105 | 7 x 11 | 210 x 298 |
A0 | 33.11 x 46.81 | 841 x 1189 | 84 x 119 | 2384 x 3370 |
Interestingly, the name 'Kiku' originates from Japan and translates to 'Chrysanthemum'. This connection with one of Japan's most beloved flowers symbolizes the elegance and precision that this paper size embodies.
In terms of practical application, Kiku is often used in industries where detail-oriented work is paramount. Graphic designers and artists frequently opt for this size due to its versatility and adaptability. It allows them to create intricate designs without compromising on clarity or precision.
The uniqueness of Kiku extends beyond just its dimensions; it also lies in its ability to cater to diverse needs while maintaining high standards of quality as per ISO regulations. Its distinctiveness makes it an invaluable asset in various professional fields where attention to detail is crucial.
Other Formats in the Japanese Series
Interesting facts about Kiku
1: Kiku Paper is Handmade
Kiku paper, also known as Kikugami, is a type of Japanese handmade paper. It is crafted using traditional methods that have been passed down through generations. The process involves meticulous handwork and attention to detail.
2: Made from Mulberry Bark
Kiku paper is made from the inner bark of the mulberry tree, known as kozo in Japanese. The long fibers of the kozo plant are beaten and mixed with water to create a pulp, which is then spread onto screens to form sheets of paper.
3: Exceptional Strength and Durability
Kiku paper is renowned for its exceptional strength and durability. Despite its delicate appearance, it can withstand heavy use without tearing or deteriorating easily. This makes it ideal for various applications such as calligraphy, printmaking, bookbinding, and more.
4: Versatile Surface for Artistic Expression
The surface of Kiku paper provides a versatile canvas for artistic expression. Its smooth texture allows ink to flow smoothly while retaining fine details. Artists often use Kiku paper for sumi-e painting (Japanese ink wash painting) due to its ability to absorb ink beautifully.
5: Natural Beauty and Unique Characteristics
Kiku paper exhibits natural beauty with unique characteristics that vary from sheet to sheet. Each piece has slight variations in color, thickness, texture, and even imperfections like tiny specks or fibers embedded within the sheet. These qualities add charm and individuality to every piece of Kiku paper.
6: Used in Traditional Japanese Crafts
Kiku paper has been used in various traditional Japanese crafts for centuries. It is commonly found in the creation of origami, shoji screens, fusuma (sliding doors), and traditional dolls. Its versatility and cultural significance make it an integral part of Japanese craftsmanship.
7: Long History and Cultural Significance
Kiku paper has a long history dating back to ancient Japan. It has been used for over a thousand years and holds significant cultural value. The art of making Kiku paper has been recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.
8: Environmentally Friendly Production
The production of Kiku paper follows environmentally friendly practices. The use of renewable mulberry trees as raw material ensures sustainability, while the handmade process minimizes energy consumption and waste generation.
9: Preservation of Traditional Craftsmanship
The production of Kiku paper plays a vital role in preserving traditional craftsmanship in Japan. Many small-scale workshops continue to produce Kiku paper using age-old techniques, passing down the knowledge from one generation to another.
10: Exported Worldwide
Kiku paper's popularity extends beyond Japan's borders, with its exportation reaching various countries worldwide. Artists, craftsmen, and enthusiasts around the globe appreciate its unique qualities and use it for their creative endeavors.